Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
moving, but not very fast
Life is fairly hard at the moment. Facing some battles and the odds are not very favourable. Something I wrote yesterday pretty much sums up how it is at the moment. Hope you are well.
just like the sunshine in bad weather,
so grab my hand and let's walk until we fall."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
different words make different sentences
"A glass without the liquid,
a cup without the spoon,
a cloud without it’s raindrops,
a sky without it’s moon.
A swing with no playground,
a bucket with no sand,
a truck with no icecream,
will they ever understand?
A frame without a picture,
a body without a soul,
a picture without the story,
a life that isn’t whole.
She sits and waits,
he walks and talks.
If there's a message in the air,
can you please pass me the chalk?
Some people have to know the beginning,
while others are happy to wait.
The pieces on our board are moving...
I think it’s time to separate." -JAJ
Saturday, November 14, 2009
what happens when the light turns green?
but who chooses when we are ready to go?
what if the light changes and i need more time?
what if i don't move and i 'cause a long line?
isn't every person different?
aren't we all moving at our own pace?
what's all the hurry about?
...i just need 5 more minutes." -JAJ
Friday, November 13, 2009
count to 20, here i come
purple doors
people hiding
people hiding
red cars
blue bars
people hiding
people hiding
black moon
silver spoon
people hiding
people hiding
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
one more coffee
one more chance
one more moment
one more dance
i'll risk everything
to see you one more time
i'll give everything for you, for you
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
lah lah lah lah
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i was sitting at the same table, but saw something new
but it's nothing like a mirror.
Coat goes on, red purse comes out.
Money exchanged, manners too.
Boots that create footsteps,
as movement passes through the door.
Life moves on too.
Gone, gone, gone.
And you were different than before,
but life doesnt change so much anymore." -JAJ
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
i was chasing my own reflection to see what i could see
but i only see a fragment of the rhythm.
is that something you understand?
cause i don't like hearing the words i don't like.
admit to it, i love honesty.
help me please. i am confused.
confusion, i made it harder.
love is a beautiful word.
but words aren't everything in love.
i see the truth, i don't believe it.
music meets me in the middle." -JAJ
Monday, November 9, 2009
staring at the wall can reveal so many things
it doesn't appear i will see the end.
but that's something we can do,
cover our mistakes with paper and glue.
so many times i'd love to forget,
erase that moment, hit the button 'reset'." -JAJ
Sunday, November 8, 2009
i hope you're ready for that.
means realising you may have to die for it." -JAJ
Saturday, November 7, 2009
and don't realise how much we really need it." -JAJ
Friday, November 6, 2009
Speaking from personal experience, it's really hard to get control over the addiction when every other day you are allowing it to control you. I really believe that every single person has atleast one thing they are addicted to, some of those people can measure it and keep it safe, others have more trouble.
It's a constant struggle that takes more than one day to cure. Most importantly, don't do it alone. Ask for help. Realise from day one that it will most likely never be completely in check, but something you have to re-check regularly.
Keep your chin up, and please take care.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
walking the same way, but sometimes facing a mirror
all walking the wrong way,
opposite to those who are right, right?
but what is right?
to assume that you are always right,
does that make you right,
or does that make you wrong?
someone has to be right,
but who decides who that someone will be?
what happens if we choose someone who we think is right,
and we turn out to be wrong?????" -JAJ
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
smash smash, trash trash
sorry guys, it's my first day. - you know what it's like.
are you ok?
voices came crowding in, but nobody moved at all.
do i need to write in on the wall? - i don't they get it.
where's the aid, who will be first? - i can only assume the worst.
isn't that the way the world works? - innocent till proven guilty.
no wait! - i messed that up.
and that is how this started right?
because somebody made a mistake.
or was it a mistake to believe that somebody
would not make a mistake?
what's a mistake?
i wonder if all these words should be thrown in the bin?" -JAJ
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
until the light breaks through
Sometimes it can seem as if the night is going to last forever, it can seem as if the morning light has been captured and we're not sure how long it's going to be before we will be rescued by it's beauty and refreshing spirit.
In life we go through trials like that, we face giants that seem so big and mighty that we don't think we're ever going to knock them over to see what's beyond. Just like you I have giants that try to hold me back and stop me from moving forward into the light.
I don't have the answer to this puzzle, but I know one thing is for sure, the light always come again. Sometimes it will take what seems like forever and so much more, but morning light will come again. It will be unbelievable! Keep your head up high and keep placing one foot in front of the other.
We're going to make it!
Monday, November 2, 2009
the reaction of an action
basking in the light that comes flooding,
from the hot yellow circle up in the sky,
this is the moment she wants to be.
flash memory corners her peaceful mind,
beginning of aroma that will hold control,
can i just surpass this crazy excited feeling?
i need to know what it could be untouched.
she's praying for sleep as her eyes start to close,
i don't understand why we still fight for identity,
the mirror reflects image and tracks her dreaming,
hold one moment, i don't remember that day.
once a silent frame that never remembered why,
began the mystery that could unlock the tear she cry,
ice moves slowly down the wall of forgotten beauty,
say goodbye to everything for the last time
rock me in your grip as we fade into this
loving memory."
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Car Trip.
Happy face. Messy shirt.
Whatever happened to our perfect picture of life?
What happened to the perect picture of us?
I miss the danger. Where's the stranger?
Please take me down the dark alley.
I wanna feel the barbed wire fence.
Talk calmly.
Stay forever and one more moment.
Play me two more songs.
And give me the chance to listen.
I need five more times to be wrong.
I'll mess even that up.
Drive past at a million miles.
And don't forget to stay for awhile.
Love me quickly. Leave me slowly.
This can't be the end, the end of it all.
I've forgotten who I am.
I don't even see who you are.
Where have we been taken?
I think they left us behind.
So many people in a crowded room,
and I just pray you're coming very soon.
I'll be waiting where you found me.
That's where I'll be waiting... -JAJ
Saturday, October 31, 2009
the truth... or is it?
Beautiful day outside, the sun is shining, blue skies from where I am. Hope it's going well for you.
Below is a list of answers I received after asking this question, "What is the truth?". Take the time to read through and think about what the truth means to you. It probably means all this and alot more in so many different worlds. Maybe this will help you discover just what the truth is in your world.
- What is right.
- Means to care about your friends.
- Hurts alot.
- Is out there.
- I don't know anymore.
- The cure.
- Different things to different people.
- The right thing.
- Not a lie.
- The truth
- What is right.
- Honest.
- Truth is in the heart, and it can set you free!
- Something thats happened in the past.
- What is proper.
- All that is not false.
- Easily blurred and becomes whatever you can justify to yourself.
- Belief
- "You can't handle the truth!"
- Something that will set you free.
- What is real.
- Doesn't lie.
- It's so hard to know what is truth in a world with so many shades of grey.
Take care.
Friday, October 30, 2009
in the rail car.
Kingdoms rise and Kingdoms fall.
Headphones in, let's escape.
Music for dreaming of another place.
The road is long, getting longer by the day.
Hit me with your best shot,
but your best shot
isn't good enough to hit me." - JAJ
Thursday, October 29, 2009
a choice.
Hey bloggers,
Today's words are a poem I wrote while sitting in the waiting room at hospital. I was with my friend and he was getting x-rays.
Sometimes we can make the best from the worst if we have a positive attitude. The poem itself may not be 100% positive under the circumstances, but writing down the experience gave me something positive to do while sitting there.
I really enjoyed my time in the waiting room and would go again for another poem just like this...
"children with books,
now everybody looks,
the nurse just called for him.
wheelchair rolling down.
can you please turn me around?
baby crying, “mum, this hurts!”
Does anyone really deserve to be here?
questions come from everywhere, papers shuffled out of the way.
this is the end… for now." - JAJ
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
as I fall into motion and hit the ground hard.
The shadow I see tells my soul I'm not alone
as lie a few moments and enjoy this unknown." - JAJ
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sometime in life we have so much to give, but somehow we don't realise our full potential. Please don't let your life pass you by. There are so many ways to connect with those around you. Sometimes you just have to be brave and believe in yourself.
Today's words of the now...
Don't be invisible, get out of the darkness and step into the light. Enjoy your life!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Today's words of the now...
Be patient, the best in yet to come... Enjoy the day!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ready... But Waiting.
What I'm about to say follows on from yesterday, it's all about being ready to move, but still waiting for the right time.
Over my life on earth I have spent many days in cafes drinking coffee and observing the people around me in their daily comings and goings. One thing I always see is people waiting for something to happen. One morning I was drinking my latte and sitting next to me was a odd looking fellow who was in fact a tourist visiting Ballarat. I know this because he was reading over the local guide of things to do and see and also had the Ballarat map close by. After observing for sometime I finally decided it was time to interact, but just as I was about to speak the waitress came over and noticing what he was doing she said, "what are you waiting for?", he then replied with a tone that insisted I'm not going to justify what I am doing here by saying, "I'm just looking for the right place to visit first". The waitress gathered the feeling she wasn't wanted for advice, so she quickly got back to her job. The man finished his coffee, paid and left the building never to be seen again.
All this makes me think about how often we want to do things in life, but spend our days trying to find the best way to do it. Maybe we just need to stop planning and start exploring. Why don't we let world show us what we should be doing?
Today's words of the now read like this,
Think about it. We were made to enjoy our lives and I plan on doing just that. There is a time for planning, but there is also a time when the planning has to be acted upon. Don't let the map direct you to nowhere.
Thanks for reading, enjoy your day. Let me know what you get up to!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What a glorious day outside! Sunshine beams down from above and we get the chance to play like children again. Maybe today is the first day of the rest of your life? I know it sounds clique, but think about what that means. Everyday can be the beginning all over again, but you have to make that choice, and maybe that's a choice you're making for the very first time.
Books are great fun to read and we all enjoy a day inside relaxing in favourite chair. I mean with the weather lately being not so 'Spring' it's been really easy to simply stay indoors and read, listen to music, enjoy resting. One problem though is sometimes we have a habit of liking the comfort of that favourite chair so much it holds us back from getting outside and into the gorgeous sunshine.
Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with reading a good book and relaxing, but maybe you can do that and you can also spend some of today outside adventuring too...
Today's words of the now,
"Step ouside of the book and adventure might just step outside of you." - JAJ
Remember, you only get one chance at most things in life, so don't let this opportunity pass you by, because you may never get it back again.
That's it for now, enjoy your adventure!
Friday, October 23, 2009
day 02 - 'something new'
Today's words of the now,
"...and with the morning light comes the morning new.
another chance we've been given to make count.
to make a difference. maybe to start something all over again.
what does that mean for you?" -JAJ
Enjoy your day, be creative! :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Day One...
This marks the beginning of "The Daily Buzz" - Day one is very exciting!
Today's words of the now read like this,
but still we are losing control,
and what happens if we choose to let go?
Maybe we'll find out exactly what we've always needed to know..." - JAJ
Until next time, enjoy your day...